The “stop messing around and get it out there” edition

von Peter himself and Fraulien von Peter herself have commenced their World in Review Tour which had been delayed since 2020 – thank you Covid-19! 🤬  What follows has been sitting in draft form for a while. It’s quite distracting organising and preparing or a World in Review Tour. Best get it published is the thinking and so here we are  …

An eBook for travel

From the stable of Helion & Company comes THEY FOUGHT WITH EXTRAORDINARY BRAVERY The III German (Saxon) Army Corps in the Southern Netherlands 1814 covers the Saxons in 1814. This is a topic most interesting to von Peter himself.

The official blurb …

In October 1813, the soldiers of one of Napoleon’s staunchest Allies, Saxony, defected en masse in the midst of battle at Leipzig. Almost immediately III German Army Corps was formed with these same soldiers as its nucleus and augmented with returning former prisoners of war, volunteers and militia. Commanded by the Duke of Saxe-Weimar the Corps was sent to the Southern Netherlands to take part in the final defeat of Napoleon amidst of a constant changing command of control structure, in which the Swedish Crown Prince Bernadotte played a major and dubious role. Although for the greater part inexperienced and badly armed, fighting against the much superior French I Corps which even contained Imperial Guard units, III Corps struggled to prove that it could be trusted, paying a major role to protect the Netherlands against the French as these regions tried to regain their own identity after decades of French rule.

And purchased an eBook makes the load much lighter should one be scheduled to soon go travelling.


Gernal d’Armee 2  video resources


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself

Helion & Company AND GdA2 up for preorder

Another quickie to let The dear readers know what they probably already know!

Helion & Company – did you know?

Helion & Company have a Public Downloads page. Here The dear reader can find catalogues and extra information/supplements for some of Helion & Company’s publications. Additionally there are Paper Soldier pdfs, e.g. Paper Soldiers: Wars of the Roses Bowmen in Livery to colour yourself and even a set of Napoleonic Naval Wargames Rules. Worthy of a quick looksie.

Helion and Company Public Downloads

Whilst at Helion & Company von Peter himself can happily confirm that their NAPOLEON’S SPRING CAMPAIGN 1813, LÜTZEN AND BAUTZEN – A Wargamers Guide exists and is available to purchase. This affirmation is based upon the arrival of said volume at Neu Schloss von Peter. Hurrah! Some pleasant reading time is to be scheduled on the deck under the grape vine in the future of von Peter himself.  👍


Gernal d’Armee 2 up for preorder

The revised General d’Armee 2 Napoleonic rules have inched even closer. Publication date has been announced as the 4th March 2024. Orders for the General d’Armee 2 Advanced Order Bundle can be placed here unless you live in the EU in which case here might be more appropriate. Officially …

Designed by Dave Brown, this is the second edition of General d’Armee which is due for release on the 4th of March. General d’Armee 2 is designed for Divisional and Corps size actions in the Napoleonic period. Dynamic and fast-paced, General d’Armee uses the ADC command and control system seen in the first edition to put you in the shoes of the commanding General, deciding how and when to use your influence to control and win the battle.

Packed with Napoleonic flavour, General d’Armee uses the battalion as the smallest manoeuvre element, the Brigade the lowest tactical command. A typical club night action involving several Brigades per side and a full day or weekend handling a Corps or two with ease.

112 pages in length with two A4 laminated playsheets, General d’Armee 2 includes rules for using figures from 6mm to 28mm in size, details on organising your armies and getting them in the table. Two introductory scenarios are included to get you playing with the latest edition of these classic rules from the master of the big battlefield.

This advanced order bundle includes the hard copy of the rules and a complimentary PDF which will be available on the day of publication.

A little more information scrap[ed from the Lard Forum

Lardy Richard’s Facebook post
Great news today. The printer turned around the second proof with incredible speed. We have now checked that and it’s a cracker. What’s more, it is now available on the web site for advanced order.

Publication day is Monday the 4th of March. We wanted to get it into February but the Post office have asked us to go with a Monday so they can open up especially for us on the Sunday and process all of the orders.

Finally, the PDF will be free with the advanced order and will be available on the day of publication. Only we can offer the free PDF and it makes a huge difference to us if you order direct from the publisher. Going through a retailer sees our share of the sales drop by over two thirds, as they take the biggest slice of the profit after we have put in an immense amount of effort, it also reduces Dave’s slice too, so we are always grateful when you support us by buying direct.

GdA2 2024-02


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself

General d’Armee 2 creeping nearer

A quickie to keep The dear readers informed …

The revised General d’Armee 2 Napoleonic rules are inching ever closer to its purchasing public. A pronouncement from Richard Clarke of Too Fat Lardies infamy date & time stamped 1:39 AM  Feb 3, 2024 (though similar info was posted on Feb 1, e.g. here) …

Excitement abounds on Lard Island. GDA2 is now with the printer. We should get the printer’s proof back early next week and then we will open the advanced order. Great working with Dave and Christopher, the wargaming Dynasty that make Joan Collins look young!

GdA2 2024-02

Regarding the cover we have another Richard Clarke proclamation …

I am a bit pleased with this cover for GDA2. Super painting by Detaile, but adjusted to create emphasis and highlight the French passion for the dishonest appropriation of flag-related property belonging to another with the intention to permanently deprive the other of it.


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself

A brigade and a book that was a little cheaper

With the arrival of the Polish 4th Uhlans at the front the vintage 1813 18th Light Cavalry Brigade commanded by General de brigade Krukowiecki is now fully constituted. Well mostly fully constituted. Missing are the lance pennons for the 4th Uhlans and really there should be limbers for the 1st Polish Horse Battery.

Ideally Front Rank Miniatures would make limber teams for the Poles but they don’t. At least not yet.  🙏  von Peter himself imagines that with the Perry twins working on plastic Polish infantry that they will eventually provide limbers for their not yet in existence artillery. But being a gamer of a somewhat fussy disposition it is strongly suspected that von Peter himself will find any limbers from Perry Miniatures to be of too small a stature to fit in convincingly with his mostly Calpe and Front Rank figures. Many of The dear readers milage will no doubt vary on this viewpoint. There are of course other manufacturers and also the possibility of conversions but this is all a quandary for the future.

So for now no limbers for the artillery. Yet still an image was/is required of the brigade for documentation purposes. Even if a few pennons are missing. von Peter himself is proud to present the 18th Light Cavalry Brigade of 1813 …

General de brigade Krukowiecki
2nd Polish Uhlan Regiment with their red over white lance pennon
4th Polish Uhlan Regiment still awaiting the logistics train to provide their lance pennons
1st Polish Horse Battery

There are also a couple of ADCs fluffing around as well – one in a hussar officers uniform – because fluffing around is what ADCs do.  😃

Nap Polish 18th Lt Cav Brigade 2024-01

Above: the 18th Light Cavalry Brigade. Click for a larger and clearer image

Why exactly an 1813 brigade that fought in Central Europe is pictured outside an East European/Russian village is a wee but of a mystery. Perhaps it’s a Polish village but that hardly abolishes any increduality. Or perhaps the East European village just happened to be on the table at the time of image taking. Who knows? The dear reader will just have to make do with the image as it is proffered.

Figures provisioned by Front Rank Miniatures (available now from Gripping Beast); pigmentations applied by Nigel Fun-nell in the vast majority; artillery pieces from Calpe Miniatures and pigmented by von Peter himself; flags and lance pennons from GMB Designs; figure selection, choreography, lance fabrication, uniformological research and basing by von Peter himself.


NAPOLEON’S SPRING CAMPAIGN 1813, LÜTZEN AND BAUTZEN – A Wargamers Guide is now available from Helion & Company for the sum of £25.00 Including FREE UK delivery. Unfortunately von Peter himself does not live in the UK. In fact very few people live further south from the UK than von Peter himself. Let us just say that the added postage was quite a large proportion of the book Price. To somewhat mollify von Peter himself there was Special Launch Offer …

RRP £25.00 £20.00
Special Launch Offer Price until 23rd January – Save 20%
with FREE UK postage and low cost overseas shipping.

von Peter himself is fully aware that this Special Launch Offer is now well and truly in the past. Humble apologies are proffered to any of The dear readership who may be financially embarrassed by not being made aware of the Special Launch Offer. Subscribing to the Helion & Company Newsletter found at the top of the Helion & Company home page may prevent such financial losses in the future.  😇


Lastly. A huge effort to overcome natural inertia has resulted in two new images being added to the random header images on the home page of this here blog. You’re all most welcome.


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself

Mounted Chasseurs …errr no …Lancers

As if the European war of 1813 were not traumatic enough for all involved some had to deal with a little more change than others. A case in point were the men of the 4th Mounted Chasseur Regiment of the Army of the Duchy of Warsaw who found themselves reconfigured as the 4th Lancer Regiment of the Army of Warsaw.

Lances were issued but their mounted chasseur uniforms remained unchanged until later in the year when lancer styled uniforms were issued. This change did not extend to the regiment’s shabraques however which remained as the green edged crimson mounted chasseur stye.

Fortunately for von Peter himself – and less fortunately for the regiment who will no doubt have multiple command indignities thrust upon them by the same von Peter himself over the years yet to come – the regiment appears in the 18th Light Cavalry Brigade commanded by General de brigade Krukowiecki which is subordinate to the independent 27th (Polish) Division of General de division Dombrowski. The very same Division that von Peter himself is replicating in his 1813 28mm Napoleonic forces.

Once a smattering of uniform details and been sourced – mostly from W. J. Rawkins The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw 1807–1814 – then the search for suitable figures was initiated. Obviously the uniform details informed the selection but also – because von Peter himself can be a little overly attentive to such things – the figure size. The regiment would be joining a brigade of Front Rank Figurines so a match with these was desired. Happily Front Rank Figurines themselves were able to provision the regiment via the French cavalry Line Lancer In Czapska figures FNC95 onwards – the ones with the plume, not the pompom versions. Dutch & Polish Guard Lancer figures.

Nap Polish 4th Lancers

Above: the regiment is a colourful addition to the 18th Light Cavalry Brigade … and will be even more so once it is issued with pennons! Click for a larger and clearer image.

Once the figures had been procured and lain around in the unpigmented figure pile for a suitably lengthy period of time 😭 they were cleaned up, had home made brass rod lances fabricated & attached and then forwarded along with the uniform details to Nigel Fun-nell for pigmentation. As can be see that pigmentation process has been completed in a most exemplary manner. Thank you Nigel. And von Peter himself has bestirred himself and managed to base the regiment. The regiment has even been issued a GMB Designs standard and is all but complete.

All but complete because there are as yet no lance pennons to provide that extra visual zing. Historically these were quartered crimson and white. Hardly the most complex of pennons but von Peter himself is an idle b*st*rd at the best of times and he is under the distinct impression that GMB Designs will create and provide these. So for now the issuing and raising of the pennons will have to wait. This is 1813 after all. Everything is in short supply!

Nap Polish 4th Lancers flank

Above: the regiment has swivelled slightly to flaunt their green mounted chasseur shabraques (and put the trumpeter slightly in the shade. D’oh!) Click for a larger and clearer image.

The 18th Light Cavalry Brigade is now complete and is available in its entirety for active duty. Well almost complete. Just a few pennons short! …

18th Light Cavalry Brigade: General de brigade Krukowiecki
2nd Polish Uhlan Regiment
4th Polish Uhlan Regiment
1st Polish Horse Battery

Perhaps a photo or two would be in order. Eventually.

Ungrateful wretch … The son & heir

Bastion No. 2 at Neu Schloss von Peter hosted a game over the Christmas – New Years holiday period. A Sharp Practice Napoleonic game set on the endless steppes of 1812 Russia.

The minions of that Corsican chap had captured a top hat wearing English chap who was being held in a humble steppe settlement under the watchful eyes of a Bavarian detachment. The Russians had got wind of this and being keen to keep British assistance flowing determined that a rescue was in order. Unfortunately for the top hat wearing English chap word of the impending rescue mission had leaked and a mostly Saxon force was rushed to ensure that no rescuing shenanigans were to occur.  In other words we played Scenario Six: Rescue Mission on page 76 of the Sharp Practice rules.

The son & heir took the role of a French lackey which left von Peter himself as the fighter for truth justice etc etc etc.  😇

And how did the daring rescue mission unfold? Suffice to say that the top hat wearing English chap was never in any danger of being transferred from Bavarian to Russian custody. A highlight(?!) of the game was the astoundingly sub par dice rolling on both sides much to the relief of many of the little metal miniature men.

Sharp Practice game 2023-12-28

Above: A view of the game from behind the main Saxon & French relief force. The clear counters represent shock, the green counters casualties. The dear reader cannot see it but there are a greater number of these counters behind the two lead Russian units. The son & heir would soon get some charges in with fresh columns against these two Russian units who would prove that “they don’t like it up ’em” to quote Corporal Jones of Dad’s Army fame. Just over the top of the thatched building in the distance can be seen some figures even further in the distance. These are Russian Hussars who rightly or wrongly were meant to sweep around the settlement but instead became an example of poor horse management as they were pushed into a gallop to speed their progress and then rolled extremely high dice and went way way too far in their compulsory straight ahead progress. They did not figure in the game. D’oh!  🤬 Click for a larger and clearer view.

Battlechat Podcasts

At the time of typing Henry Hyde’s Battlechat Podcasts offers 107 episodes to consume albeit one of them is only available to Henry’s Patrons. Each episode has Henry chatting with a person of note from the Wargaming hobby and as such some may be of interest to The dear reader and some may not.

Logo battlechat

Whilst not always in agreement with Henry von Peter himself had happily listened to a select few interviews in the past but the Christmas – New Years holiday break occasioned many more being consumed. Just select the interviews that are off interest and ignore the others. A reminder heads-up for The dear reader.

There’s a new hobby shop in town

At least there is if you live on the Kapiti Coast, New Zealand. Mini-Kiwiland Shop is a generic hobby shop and is located upstairs at

1/2 Coastlands Parade
Paraparaumu 5032
New Zealand

The showroom is on the first floor above Calico Keep, a board games and trading cards shop . The entrance is on the side of the old main road (former SH1), right at the underpass to the railway station.

From the About Us page …

Our Goal
Our goal is to offer a wide range of models and miniatures at an affordable price and raise money for the Mini-Kiwiland Attraction.

The original idea was to have a hobby shop, cafe and souvenir shop with the international attraction. Wellington born Robert Verhoef started the hobby shop in 2016 after he couldn’t find the material and figures needed for the attraction in New Zealand Hobby Shops or for excessive prices.

Robert found out that the hobby world in New Zealand is no different from what happens with petrol stations and supermarkets: A few players take advantage of a powerful/monopoly position to charge high prices to New Zealanders.

He started to import model railway brands that had no distributor in New Zealand, such as Preiser, Faller, Noch, Busch and Vollmer/Kibri. This went so well, that Robert wanted to expand the Mini-Kiwiland Shop catalogue by approaching New Zealand distributors. Unfortunately, no one was interested in supplying the Mini-Kiwiland Shop.

As a result, the Mini-Kiwiland offers 100% own imported products for often at a much more affordable price.

Due to the pandemic in 2020, the Mini-Kiwiland Tourist attraction had to be put on hold. At this stage, the focus is on setting up a hobby shop first with a wide range of models and miniatures for an affordable price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Shop continues to look for more suppliers and brands overseas and ways to keep prices down as much as possible.

Watch out for their opening hours …

The opening hours of our showroom in Paraparaumu are as follows:

Tuesday 12pm – 4pm
Wednesday 12pm – 4pm
Thursday 12pm – 4pm
Friday 12pm – 4pm
Saturday 10am – 3pm

Pick up options for online orders:

Tuesday 12pm – 5pm
Wednesday 12pm – 5pm
Thursday 12pm – 5pm
Friday 12pm – 5pm
Saturday 10am – 5pm

Napoleon the movie

After great hopes Ridley Scott’s “Napoleon” has been released in cinemas to a general panning regarding its adherence – for lack thereof – to history. von Peter himself is not sure why we would ever hold out hope for a historically accurate movie from Hollywood etc. Ridley Scott did himself no favours with his “were you there” statement when the history was queried. Hearing disturbing reports von Peter himself chose not to pay to see the movie in a cinema. Neu Schloss von Peter provides access to Apple TV+ and Napoleon will eventually be available – perhaps as an extended directors cut – there.

Why this is raised here is that von Peter himself was investigating L ‘Hotel de Hercé  – note that the site is currently down for updating – and came across the related French Wargame Holidays at L’Hotel de Hercé facebook page. The following three humourous images have been shamelessly “borrowed” form there …

Napoleon the Travesty

Dont let Ridley Scott

How do you know

And a belated Happy New Year to all of The dear readers. May you and yours all enjoy a happy and prosperous 2024.


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself

The good and the not so good

First the good.

Another 1813 wargamers guide

Rohan Saravanamuttu along with the assistance of Helion & Company is coming out with another 1813 wargamers guide. This time the focus has moved back in time from LEIPZIG: THE BATTLE OF NATIONS  A Wargamer’s Guide to the Battle of Leipzig 1813 to NAPOLEON’S SPRING CAMPAIGN 1813, LÜTZEN AND BAUTZEN. As an 1813 aficionado this is great news. What’s not so great is that the book is not yet available and is on Helion’s Spring – presumably the Northern Hemisphere Spring – 2004 list.

The official blurb …

The Battle of Lutzen (2 May 1813) was Napoleon’s first battle in the 1813 campaign, and was soon followed by Bautzen on 20-21 May. Both were bloody affairs in which Napoleon’s newly raised army met the Allied army of Russia and Prussia, but otherwise they were very different. Lutzen was an encounter battle, with troops being committed to the fight as they arrived from various directions, and in which neither side had a clear idea of their enemy’s strength and location. Bautzen was a set piece battle, fought on ground chosen and prepared for defence by the Allies. The two contrasting battles offer fascinating challenges for wargaming commanders.
The battles were not symmetrical. For example the French outnumbered the Allies significantly at Bautzen, but were weaker in the cavalry arm. Both battles are generally deemed to have been French victories, albeit indecisive because Napoleon lacked the cavalry to carry out a pursuit that could turn a retreat into a rout. An analysis of the casualties however, shows that the results were not clear cut. After these two ‘victories’, Napoleon was happy to agree to an armistice in June 1813.
A discussion of the historical battles highlights errors made by the actual commanders. The wargame commanders will have to decide how they deploy their forces (within historical constraints), and time their use of reserves. Will they repeat the mistakes of history, or will they make their own mistakes?
This guide helps teams of wargamers refight the battles on a table top with model soldiers. They can be fought as independent battles or, given the high level of commonality of the forces present, linked together in a mini-campaign.
The guide sets out the strategic and political situation in central Europe and contains a thorough but clear account of the historical battles. It provides detailed orders of battle of the opposing armies, scaled down orders of battle for game purposes, maps of the historical events, stylised maps for laying out wargames tables, and instructions for each battle and the mini-campaign. Design notes explain the rationale and historical background to the scenario instructions.
The scenario maps are set out on square grids for ease of setting up tabletop terrain. Any set of wargames rules for the period should be able to be used to play the scenarios. The key points for the game army lists are the number of units and their quality.
Given that the sides were unequal, the game victory conditions are based on a comparison with the historical results, rather than outright victory or defeat.
This book is the second in a series of guides written by Rohan Saravanamuttu, the first being Leipzig, the Battle of the Nations: A Wargamer’s Guide to the Battle of Leipzig 1813.


And that just leaves the not so good.

Colin Dixon, 1964-2023

Sadly the hobby is down another. From the Perry’s facebook page as posted on the 22 November 2023 …

A sad farewell to Colin Dixon, 1964-2023
As some of you may already be aware, our good friend and work colleague of 35+years died suddenly at the weekend. He was an intelligent, witty gentle man who will be greatly missed. If you ever walked around Nottingham with Colin it was like being ‘papped’ by locals! Everyone knew him!
He joined Games Workshop in the 80’s as a miniature painter/illustrator and sculptor being responsible for making Skaven and Dwarves. He joined Perry Miniatures over a decade ago and became one of the ‘Dream Team’ with Nigel Stillman and Di Eaton. He was a hard worker and his wide military knowledge at the work face of Perry Mins was a great asset to our company.
You will be greatly missed old friend.

Rest in peace.

Colin Dixon


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself

It’s alive

It’s alive! 😱   It has been a while since comm’s were last opened so lets get on …

Twitter … err … X … err … Bluesky

von Peter himself is a renown for wasting his life away. Juts ask Fraulien von Peter herself! One technique he uses is trawling the ‘net. And a portion of that trawling has been checking select wargamers Twitter feeds. But Twitter has changed. The management, the policies, the name – to “X” though von Peter himself will stubbornly continue to use “Twitter” in this here rant – and generally the usefulness & pleasantness of being there. As a mere observer von Peter himself has not been too severely impacted but many of the wargamers whose feeds von Peter himself would snoop in on are brassed off.

Apparently they are so brassed off they are seemingly taking their feeds elsewhere and often that elsewhere would appear to be what they refer to as “the other place” on Twitter. As an aside von Peter himself is not sure if this is because it is the in thing to refer to “the other place” or – to get all conspiratorial – because Twitter doesn’t like Twitter users referring to “Bluesky”.

And just like that von Peter himself has let the cat out of the bag! The thinking at Neu Schloss von Peter is that many/some(?) of the wargaming Twitterers are relocating to “the other place” which seems to be Bluesky – one of the new social sites out there.

The sensible thing to do would be to go across to Bluesky on a little reconnaissance mission. Simple … right? Errr … no. Being still in its infancy Bluesky are restricting the rate at which they grow their user  numbers. To join one must have an Invite Code. It appears that current users occasionally receive Invite Codes to distribute or you can sign up on the Bluesky waitlist. As at the time of typing von Peter himself has neither an Invite Code nor has he joined the waitlist.

Or perhaps wargamers are moving to other socials – Threads, Mastodon – etc. Or not moving at all.

If any of The dear readers can shed any light on any of this von Peter himself would be most appreciative. Please leave a comment. Many thanks in advance.  🤓

Bluesky Logo

1898 Miniaturas Thirty Years War expansions

See the1898 Miniaturas blog post Thirty Years War expansion. Much more than French. Wonderful figures. Enough said.

1898 TYW French Cavalry

Above: Thirty Years War French Cavalry from 1898 Miniaturas

General d’Armee Second Edition

If the upcoming General d’Armee 2 rules are of interest The dear reader may be wish to peruse a couple of videos presented on the  Check Your Leader TV YouTube channel. Check Your Leader Scott and Carlo Pagano discuss the rules and provide some game play tips.

Continuing the GdA2 theme a recent update from General d’Armee The 2nd Edition Update 8

An update from Richard….

Ney Musings of a Marshal

I thought a quick update might be in order as everyone is asking the big question: WHEN?!!!

I have now completed the full edit and Dave and I had a few hours this morning going through all of the resulting issues, tweaking here and there to get the text as tight as possible. When designing a set of rules they tend to grow somewhat organically and sentences and paragraphs are added on a somewhat ad hoc basis as the rules grow.

At this stage we take the rules and consider them as a whole and that always results in a few bits being rewritten, paragraphs being restructured and generally everything being tidied up. That’s all done. Now Dave and I are really just giving everything the final check over and I am well on my way with the layout. Things like the text box below in which Marshal Ney (of all people) talks you through some of the whys and wherefores of the game. Ney is, of course a great commander whose opinions we value hugely. I also value the fact that he is dead and so his fees are very reasonable.
Now I am taking all that we discussed today and tidying that up. This will go back to Dave over the weekend and he will read the document through to ensure that he’s happy with everything. At that point he and I will meet again next week to finalise everything and at that point the rules can go to the proof reader. Once that’s done I will meet with the proof reader with my editorial hat on. Dave and I will then meet again to review the proof reading issues.

After that’s done, we will go to a wider group of proof readers with several different first languages to ensure that it all makes sense to them. As I’ve said before, it’s not a fast process and we are not making any effort to speed it up because we want to get the rules in as good a state a possible. That said, today has been a huge milestone in the process and we really are starting to see that the process is entering its final phases.
So, when will the rules be published? Dave and I discussed dates yesterday and Christmas post is a real issue. So, we are aiming at getting the printers proof back in the second half of December. Once we have that approved, we will be in a position to take advanced order. I cannot guarantee this, but our target is for a release on the 22nd of January. We are certainly working towards that goal.

If The dear reader has an interest in Dave Brown and his rules then the Yarkshire Gamer has a treat for you with a 3 hour and 2 minute podcast chatting with that same Dave Brown. Check your favourite podcast supplier or listen here.

Polish lancers

Things have been a little slow here at Neu Schloss von Peter but the foundries of war have not been totally shut down thanks mainly to the efforts of Nigel Fun-nell! The second of two Polish Lancer regiments is completing its final fit-out before joining and completing General de brigade Krukowiecki’s 18th Light Cavalry Brigade. This regiment is a little out of the ordinary. Further details to be provided once it is fully inducted into it’s parent brigade but as an artful teaser …

Nap Polish 4th Uhlans WIP Cinemin


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself

The Great Wargaming Survey 2023 Edition

It’s that time again. The good people at Karwansaray Publishers are at it again with their The Great Wargaming Survey 2023 EDITION. The official blurb …

Welcome to the 10th edition of the
Great Wargaming Survey!
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles” – Sun Tzu

Apart from rolling dice, there seem to be few things wargamers like to do more than discussing the state of their hobby. This survey aims to answer some of those questions and publish the answers for all to see.

Thanks to our sponsors, we’ve got a stack of generous prizes to give to some lucky winners. On top of that, everyone gets a €5 discount voucher for the Karwansaray Publishers website, and thanks to Wargames Atlantic, all respondents get an exclusive STL of a unique British Airborne figure to 3D print, or have printed.

Filling out the survey shouldn’t take more than about 10 minutes, and we’re taking responses until August 31st, 2023. Please tell all your wargaming friends to come take it too!

As always, this survey is aimed at tabletop miniature wargamers in order to keep things short and sweet.

Thank you very much for participating!

Guy Bowers & Jasper Oorthuys
Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine

wargames survey 2023

And for a little more colour this may very well be the cover of the upcoming General d’Armee 2 rules …


If so then there is an obvious lineage to the cover of the original General d’Armee rules …

GdA Cover


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself

Some Napoleon to go with your popcorn and ice cream

At the risk of becoming some sort of YouTube feeder site there are two more videos of interest to be found over there. Both relate to the impending film Napoleon.

Directed by Ridley Scott from a screenplay by David Scarpa, “Napoleon” stars Joaquin Phoenix as the French emperor and military leader. The film is an original and personal look at Napoleon’s origins and his swift, ruthless climb to emperor, viewed through the prism of his addictive and often volatile relationship with his wife and one true love, Josephine, played by Vanessa Kirby. The film captures Napoleon’s famous battles, relentless ambition and astounding strategic mind as an extraordinary military leader and war visionary. An Apple Studios production in conjunction with Scott Free Productions, “Napoleon” is produced by Scott, Kevin Walsh, Mark Huffam and Phoenix, with Michael Pruss and Aidan Elliott serving as executive producers.

The first presented here is the official trailer for the movie …

The second is of an earlier trailer …

One can but hope that there will not be too much of the Hollywood about the movie!  😇

Apparently it is scheduled for release in theatres 22 November 2023. Hopefully world wide!


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself

Why was I not told! 🤬

There are a select few YouTube channels that von Peter himself checks too often. The dear reader might be smuggly thinking that those channels would be of a wargaming variety but those same dear readers would be quite wrong! They are technology focused. But when one watches a YouTube video a list of other YouTube hosted videos is displayed – so as to keep one hooked into the YouTubes – and occasionally one of those other YouTube videos is of interest. The following is presented as an example of one such.

But first why was von Peter himself totally in the dark regarding this video?! Why did no one think to alert von Peter himself to its existence? It’s high treason you know.  😲  Probably the rest of the world already knew of it and thought nothing of it.

Irrespective von Peter himself hopes you garner some enjoyment.

Just in case the imbedded YouTubes thingy doesn’t work for you here’s a link in the old fashioned way … click here.


Until we meet again …

von Peter himself