Saxon 2/von Rechten IR reaches the front … finally!

Saxon 2/von Rechten IRWith a gestation period of over a year it sure feels good to finally get the second and only battalion of the Saxon von Rechten Infantry Regiment circa 1813 off the painting table and on to the gaming table. von Peter himself tends to paint in groups of four or eight figures from a unit at a time and there is normally a unit or two in progress at any one time. Not very efficient on several levels but von Peter himself would appear to have an extremely low attention span unless the needs of a particular game drive progress forward. The poor von Rechten has seen many other units/projects come and go as it has slowly limped its way to the finish line. But now it is complete … at long last. Hurrah!

von Peter's Saxon army -  2/von Rechten and 1/Prinz Maximilian. The next line infantry will be faced with green

Above: von Peter’s 1813 Saxons – 2/von Rechten and 1/Prinz Maximilian. The next line infantry will be faced with green

As can be seen above the 2/von Rechten joins the 1/Prinz Maximilian in the 1813 Saxon army of von Peter himself which means that two regiments are complete. Saxon Infantry Regiments theoretically consist of two battalions – plus a half battalion of grenadiers which are converged into separate battalions and which we shall ignore for now – but after the stresses and strains of adventure tourism in Russia 1812 both of these regiments could only field a solitary battalion each. Both units are faced in yellow – warning, the yellow used by von Peter himself is too golden – with the differentiator being white metal buttons for von Rechten and yellow metal buttons for Prinz Maximilian. So if he has to von Peter himself can tell which stands are from which unit. This is bound to prove useful in the future.

And such are the beginnings of von Peter’s 1813 Saxon army. The aim is to replicate the 24th (Saxon) Division commanded by Generallieutenant Lecoq from General de Division Reynier’s VII Corps. Only three battalions, a jager company and a command stand to go to complete the first of two brigades! Hmm, von Peter himself had better pick up the pace!!  8O)

Figures are sourced from Calpe Miniatures and the flag is from GMB Designs. Colour application by von Peter himself.

So where to now? There is a certain shot up Prussian Landwehr firing line battalion that von Peter himself started as an entry into the first – there’s since been a second which has come and gone! – painting competition on the La Bricole forum. You can see my entry here. von Peter fancies completing this unit now. He also fancies painting another stand of Calpe French so 4 voltigeurs have been selected, cleaned up – which just meant filing the ends of the bayonets a little – and undercoated. And of course there will also be the ongoing English Civil War rebasing and calls from the American Civil War. So that lot should cover the attention deficit problems of von Peter himself.  8O)

von Peter himself has other news but nothing will be allowed to detract from such a momentous occurrence as the completion of a battalion so it will have to wait.

Don’t forget to click on the images to see a larger version.

Until we meet again …

von Peter himself 

13 thoughts on “Saxon 2/von Rechten IR reaches the front … finally!

  1. Super work, von Peter. I even detect the painting of some piping – a fine example to set for The Son and Heir.

    As for what’s next on the painting table, it’s clearly your duty to sweep all other considerations aside as soon as the BfK Limited Edition figures arrive in NZ!

  2. Wonderful looking Saxons von Peter! Depending on how the Westfalia Miniatures line comes out, I just might be tempted into painting up a brigade myself. Hopefully we’ll be seeing those Landwehr sooner than later. Hurrah!

    • There’s always hope that the firing line Landwehr will appear sooner rather than later. It all depends on the various distractions that come my way; how dedicated a painter I am; and how long I spend on that blasted internet!! 8O)

      von Peter himself

    • Thank you Der Alte Fritz.

      I’d love to see some Saxon cavalry as well … but I’m also looking forward to the new French. Mr Calpe is just going to have cease taking holidays!! 8O)

      von Peter himself

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